Authors Guidelines

  1. Author guidelines comprise the following bibliographic and formatting standards together with instances of common citation formats preferred to use in submissions.
  2. Journal of Social Research Development consider articles submitted via open journal system that could be accessed through the journal’s website
  3. Authors are required to get registered through Open Journal System prior to submission of the manuscript to the Journal of Social Research Development.
  4. Once registered, authors are advised to follow the submission guidelines and ensure to have formatted manuscript according to format that Journal follows.
  5. Once the manuscript is received online via OJS, desk editors will filter manuscript in the light of Author Guidelines. Based on desk review, manuscript is either sent back to the author(s) for further modifications or sent for the review.
  6. It is author(s)’ responsibility to ensure that the manuscript has neither been published nor been submitted for publication either in parts or as a whole.
  7. Manuscripts must be written in clear, concise, grammatically correct language, and formatted according to APA Editorial Style (approved by HEC).
  8. APA suggests: Font = Times New Roman; Font-Size =12; Line-Spacing =1.15; Margins=1 Inch from All Sides.
  9. There must be 8-12 pages per Article. Title Page: title page should include an informative title, author's name, and complete address including Postal & email (Author who have submitted the article will be considered as corresponding author).
  10. Abstract: The abstract includes a brief summary of the problem, research design, major findings and conclusions (Max: 200 Words).
  11. Main-Body: The text in the manuscript body should be divided into sections with the following headings:
  12. Introduction: This section provides sufficient background information to set the context of the issue with clearly mentioning the objectives behind the research.
  13. Literature Review: This section provides background information about the research variables and their inter-relationships based upon the existing research/literature.
  • Research Design: the concise but with sufficient detail to allow replication of the methodology used to conduct the study and reaching the conclusion.
  1. Results: Present them in logical sequence through paragraphs, tables & figures but avoiding repetition. Tables, figures, must be placed where used and not as annexures.
  2. Discussions: Interpret results and relate them with existing knowledge relating to the methods and results of the respective area of research.
  3. Conclusions: A short but pointed evaluation of the research activity and findings that what the researcher has achieved at the end.
  4. As per instructions of HEC, JSRD follows the APA Editorial Style therefore; the referencing will be done as:
  5. The "Embeded" reference (within text): (2nd name of the Author, year) in case of Book, page no will follow the year–Year: 324), Single-Author: (Author, 2010), Two-Authors (Author-1 & Author-2, 2011), More than Two Authors: (Author et al., 2012).
  6. They will be placed at the end the manuscript in alphabetical order and formatted as follows: Journal Article:
  7. Mahesar, H. A., Chaudhry, N. I., & Rasool, Z. (2021). Impact of work family conflict and job stress on university teachers’ job satisfaction and turnover intentions: mediating role of job burnout. Journal of Social Research Development, 1(1):1-17.
  8. Book Yin, R. (1994). Case study research: Design and methods (2nd ed.). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publishing. Kothari, CR (1986). Quantitative techniques. VIKAS Publishing House, New Delhi.
  • Thesis/Dissertation Sattar, A. (2011). Job satisfaction of District Executive Officers in KPK. (PhD Thesis). Department of Public Administration, Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan, KPK, Pakistan.
  1. Chapter Lyon, R. A., & Titeler, M. (1989). Pharmacology and biochemistry of the 5-HT2 receptor. In: Sanders-Bush, E. (ed). The Serotonin Receptors. Clifton, NJ: Humana Press: pp. 59-88.
  2. WebSite Material Healthy People 2011, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved on Dec 5, 2014 from:
  3. Tables and Figures Tables and Figures should be placed within text wherever they are used, mentioned or discussed.